Q: “I have a comb binding machine and can’t decide between staying with plastic comb or go to wire binding. I don’t really want to buy a bunch of new equipment to make the change, but the comb binding is starting to look out dated?”
A: 19-ring plastic comb is a classic standby for years. However, for a cleaner or high-tech look and permanent bind using the samecomb binding punch you already have, you could use wire comb or as know throughout the industry as “Spiral-O Wire.” You would need to answer a couple questions for yourself first:
1. “Will I need to add or remove pages later”,or “is it a one time hand-out people may toss away?” If this is “yes” to either, go with the plastic comb. Once wire comb is closed….it stays closed. Plastic comb is inexpensive enough not to keep you up at night if someone tosses it.
2. “What is my budget and how is this going to make my organization look?” If you’re looking for a presentation people are going to keep and reflect back on, I would go with the wire comb. It is a little bit more in cost (wire binding in general is about 5-7 times the cost of plastic comb), however, that can never make up for a great and lasting first impression.
Note: Keep in mind if you do go with wire comb you will need a wire closer.
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