This is a product that I am very excited to see come in our doors. In fact, we’ve had more than a boatload of calls over the years from customers asking if we can get this item. It’s the Quick As A Wink Padding Counter that makes creating notepads super fast and easy.
Here’s how this padding comb separator works. Essentially, you take a ream’s worth of paper (assuming 20# bond, standard copier weight) and stab it into the side of the stack near a corner edge. The teeth of the comb are set to quickly divide the sheets into 5 stacks of 100. “How quickly?” you ask. Well, you guessed it, as ‘quick as a wink!’ From here you can slide chipboard into the gaps created by the pad counter and you have 5 stacks of about 100 sheets.
Do you have any quick tips that you use to speed up your padding or other bindery operations? Please share in the comments below.
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