Q: Is there an easier way to remove Velo binding strips rather than struggling with a utility knife top open it?
A: Absolutely, in fact, there is device made specifically to open up hot knife Velo binding strips (also called QuickBind, SecureBind or UltraStrips) ! It’s called, appropriately so, a Velo Debinder Tool. This simple and inexpensive yet handy tool makes releasing your Velo bound books a breeze.
To use it: grasp the handle and position one of the back edges of the bound velo strip through the channel in the tool. Then, with a good amount of force, pull on the handle – the sharp blade cuts through all of the prongs. This allows you to remove front strip and the prongs from your booklet, freeing it up for you to make editions to or rebind at your leisure.
That’s all there is to this simple but valuable tool for your Velo binding arsenal. Want to see any tips on other binding methods? Let us know in the comments below.
I have a large supply of “Personal VeloBinder Pre-punched covers”, and altough I’ve been able to locate binding strips the “seem” compatible (11 prong) I can’t seem to find the small handheld tool, pictured on the cover, which isused to close the binding. This makes me wonder if I’ll be able to close the binding strips I’ve looked at. Purchasing the binding machine is out of the question. Anyway to close strips manually?
Unfortunately, there are not any smaller/handheld/manual finishers that close the 11-prong strips, only the powered machines. There are a few smaller machines (manual & powered) that can close the 4 prong strips and these seem to be mostly available on ebay. Best of luck!